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ssh auth
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creating a virtual environment in the notebooks service
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example job 2 calc md5s
orchid gpu cluster
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jasmin sci software environment
jasmin software faqs
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nag library
name dispersion model
geocat replaces ncl
postgres databases on request
running python on jasmin
running r on jasmin
rocky9 migration 2024
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data transfer overview
data transfer tools
globus transfers with jasmin
ftp and lftp
globus command line interface
globus connect personal
gridftp ssh auth
rsync scp sftp
scheduling automating transfers
transfers from archer2
short term project storage
apply for access to a gws
elastic tape command line interface hints
faqs storage
gws etiquette
gws scanner ui
gws scanner
gws alert system
install xfc client
introduction to group workspaces
managing a gws
secondary copy using elastic tape
share gws data on jasmin
share gws data via http
using the jasmin object store
configuring cors for object storage
long term archive storage
ceda archive
external access to mass faq
how to apply for mass access
moose the mass client user guide
setting up your jasmin account for access to mass
for cloud tenants
introduction to the jasmin cloud
jasmin cloud portal
cluster as a service
cluster as a service kubernetes
cluster as a service identity manager
cluster as a service slurm
cluster as a service pangeo
cluster as a service shared storage
adding and removing ssh keys from an external cloud vm
provisioning tenancy sci vm managed cloud
sysadmin guidance external cloud
best practice
workflow management
rose cylc on jasmin
using cron
requesting resources
processing requests for resources
acknowledging jasmin
approving requests for access
working with many linux groups
jasmin conditions of use
getting started
get started with jasmin
generate ssh key pair
get jasmin portal account
get login account
beginners training workshop
how to contact us about jasmin issues
jasmin status
jasmin training accounts
tips for new users
how to login
multiple account types
present ssh key
reconfirm email address
reset jasmin account password
ssh auth
understanding new jasmin storage
update a jasmin account
interactive computing
interactive computing overview
check network details
login servers
login problems
graphical linux desktop access using nx
sci servers
tenancy sci analysis vms
transfer servers
jasmin notebooks service
jasmin notebooks service with gpus
creating a virtual environment in the notebooks service
project specific servers
dask gateway
access from vscode
batch computing
lotus overview
slurm scheduler overview
slurm queues
lotus cluster specification
how to monitor slurm jobs
how to submit a job
how to submit an mpi parallel job
example job 2 calc md5s
orchid gpu cluster
slurm status
slurm quick reference
software on jasmin
software overview
quickstart software envs
python virtual environments
additional software
community software esmvaltool
community software checksit
compiling and linking
conda environments and python virtual environments
conda removal
creating and using miniforge environments
jasmin sci software environment
jasmin software faqs
jaspy envs
nag library
name dispersion model
geocat replaces ncl
postgres databases on request
running python on jasmin
running r on jasmin
rocky9 migration 2024
share software envs
data transfer
data transfer overview
data transfer tools
globus transfers with jasmin
ftp and lftp
globus command line interface
globus connect personal
gridftp ssh auth
rsync scp sftp
scheduling automating transfers
transfers from archer2
short term project storage
apply for access to a gws
elastic tape command line interface hints
faqs storage
gws etiquette
gws scanner ui
gws scanner
gws alert system
install xfc client
introduction to group workspaces
managing a gws
secondary copy using elastic tape
share gws data on jasmin
share gws data via http
using the jasmin object store
configuring cors for object storage
long term archive storage
ceda archive
external access to mass faq
how to apply for mass access
moose the mass client user guide
setting up your jasmin account for access to mass
for cloud tenants
introduction to the jasmin cloud
jasmin cloud portal
cluster as a service
cluster as a service kubernetes
cluster as a service identity manager
cluster as a service slurm
cluster as a service pangeo
cluster as a service shared storage
adding and removing ssh keys from an external cloud vm
provisioning tenancy sci vm managed cloud
sysadmin guidance external cloud
best practice
workflow management
rose cylc on jasmin
using cron
requesting resources
processing requests for resources
acknowledging jasmin
approving requests for access
working with many linux groups
jasmin conditions of use
JASMIN Conditions of Use
JASMIN Conditions of Use
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