Geocat replaces NCL
GeoCat - replaces NCAR Command Language (NCL)
This article introduces geocat as a replacement on JASMIN for NCAR Command Language (NCL) which is now deprecated.
NCL is now deprecated by NCAR (see
this announcement
there is no Rocky 9 version available, so we will not be providing it when JASMIN moves from CentOS to using
Rocky 9 in the next few months. The plan is to add to Jaspy the geocat-viz
package, which is NCAR’s Python
replacement for NCL.
To give you a chance now to familiarise yourself with geocat-viz
, here are some
instructions for how you could install it in a Conda environment under your own home directory.
Total disk space required is 3.2GB.
Commands marked with #*
below will be needed again in order to activate the environment in later sessions.
Deactivate jaspy
in this session:
module unload jaspy #*
Download miniforge
wget <>
Install base environment:
Accept the default answers to the questions, saying no to the question about conda init
Activate the base environment:
source ~/miniforge3/bin/activate #*
Create and activate an environment:
mamba create -n my-geocat-env
conda activate my-geocat-env #*
Install the packages:
mamba install geocat-viz geocat-datafiles
Try one of the examples from:
(should display a plot)
Full documentation is at