Sharing GWS data via HTTP
Sharing GWS data via HTTP
Specific parts of JASMIN Group Workspaces (GWSs) can be made available via HTTP, so that:
, curl
, client libraries and web browsers can be used to access the data via a commonly-supported protocol.In this respect, the service should be regarded as another data transfer tool. However it must be arranged in advance between the Group Workspace manager and the JASMIN Helpdesk. It involves:
directory and placing data inside itBoth these steps need to be completed in order for the GWS to be visible via HTTP. By default, GWSs are not visible by HTTP.
Once a GWS has been made available, it is publicly visible by the entire internet: please bear that in mind.
The following sections below describe how to set up restricted and unrestricted access to your “public” directory. If you require access control then see the section on password-protected access below. [Note: this is currently possible, though not recommended, only because the current webserver configuration permits this (now deprecated) means of restricting access. Future revisions of the service may remove or change the way access restrictions can be imposed].
This facility is not to be used for hosting project websites. It is provided as a simple means for specific data files to be made available to a wider audience than members of a Group Workspace, using a convenient data transfer protocol (HTTP). Likewise, it is not recommended to build tools or front-end applications relying on this service as a dependency if they are to be operated as a production or (near-)real-time service. The JASMIN team reserves the right to apply rate-limiting (by project and/or IP address) or to remove GWSs from the service if they are considered to be causing problems for the network or other parts of the service infrastructure.
Projects considering web-based solutions for showcasing or disseminating their data via more complex tools or with specific availability requirements should consider requesting an external tenancy in the JASMIN Community Cloud, or indeed external service providers if more appropriate, but should be prepared to do the necessary design, development, operation and maintenance of those services themselves.
In some cases the GWS manager may want to make some files and directories
available over HTTP so that users (perhaps a wider audience than just the
membership of the GWS) can access the data via a web browser or other HTTP-
based tools. This can be done by creating a public
directory in the top-
level directory of the GWS, for example:
cd /group_workspace/jasmin/foobaa/
mkdir public
chmod -Rf 755 public
You should then contact
JASMIN Support and ask
for this directory to be made visible via the gws-access
server. The JASMIN
team will configure this change and your public
directory will then be
visible from:
, so the change
should be transparent to existing users, but please use the new URLs
beginning with
to avoid any problems for
example with HTTP clients that are unable to handle redirects.
Please see the section below if you wish to control who can access the content
of one or more of the sub-directories within your public
In order to restrict access to your “public” directory, and/or any sub- directories, you will need to create an “.htaccess” file within it. In turn, the “.htaccess” file must point to a “.htpasswd” file which lists the usernames and encrypted passwords that have read-access to that directory.
This method of access control is entirely independent of the SSH login accounts used on JASMIN and would be the responsibility of the GWS Manager to maintain. It is not secure by modern standards and not particularly recommended as it adds complication for GWS managers and users, but is an option for some basic access control if no other options are available.
Future revisions of the service may revise or remove this feature.
In order to create the “.htpasswd” file, you will need access to the “htpasswd” command. This is available on the transfer servers xfer[12]
You can then create the “.htpasswd” file as follows (using the example of a Group Workspace called “foobaa”):
tool is going to be put on the new sci and xfer-vm servers shortly,
but please use it on the old ones (e.g sci1) for now.
export GWS=/group_workspaces/jasmin/foobaa/
cd $GWS
mkdir -p public
cd public
htpasswd -b -m -c $GWS/public/.htpasswd i_am_a_user i_am_a_password
Before this will work, you also need to create a “.htaccess” file which you could do as follows
cat >.htaccess <<EOL
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password Required"
AuthUserFile /group_workspaces/jasmin/foobaa/public/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
Finally, change the permissions on these files:
chmod 644 .htaccess .htpasswd
Now, you can test that you get prompted for the username and password by visiting