Tips for new users
These tips for new users are based on users’ queries encountered by our helpdesk. They are not exhaustive but may help solve some initial problems and set out best practice.
on sci machines.
Use your home directory, a scratch volume or a Group Workspace . Any temporary data files can reside in a subdirectory of your group workspace instead of /tmp
. To do this, please add the following lines (or similar) to your $HOME/.bashrc
file:export TMPDIR=/group_workspaces/jasmin/<your_project>/<your_username>/tmp
## create the directory if needed
[ -d $TMPDIR ] || mkdir -p $TMPDIR
on LOTUS nodes. This can take nodes out of action (perhaps for other users who still have jobs running on the same node) if /tmp
fills up. Design your code to clean up as it goes along, and use environment variables to control where your applications write temporary data, ideally to storage which is not specific to a LOTUS node. If your job crashes, check which nodes were involved and clean up after yourself.hpxfer
servers.When you do experience an issue, please;