Globus transfers with JASMIN
Globus transfers with JASMIN
This article describes how to do data transfers using JASMIN’s new Globus endpoint (now called a collection ), based on the most recent version of Globus Connect Server .
JASMIN’s old Globus endpoint, based on the previous version of the Globus service, ceased operating on 18 December 2023 as support was discontinued by Globus. We have implemented a new endpoint, based on Globus Connect Server v5.4, with equivalent (but better!) functionality.
The new collection can be used as a drop-in replacement for the previous endpoint, aside from a few differences in terminology, and a change to the authentication process.
There are some differences to how the new (v5) version of Globus works on JASMIN compared to previously:
access role.The following examples show you how to authenticate with the new JASMIN Default Collection and list the contents of your home directory. As before, however, the following file systems are available via this collection
File system | Access |
$HOME (/home/users/<username> ) |
Read-write |
/gws (group workspaces) |
Read-write |
/work/xfc (transfer cache) |
Read-write |
/badc (CEDA Archive) |
/neodc |
Read-only |
1. Navigate to
2. Log in with your Globus identity (this could be a or other identity)
3. In File Manager, use the search tool to search for “JASMIN Default Collection”. Select it.
4. In the transfer pane, you are told that Authentication/Consent is required. Click Continue.
5. Click the link to use the JASMIN Accounts Portal OIDC server to link your JASMIN identity
6. You are taken to a page on the JASMIN Accounts portal, where you are invited to “Authorise” the external application to authenticate and access your essential account information.
7. If successful, you are taken back to the Globus web app, where you are invited to “Allow” the app to use the listed information and services.
8. The directory listing of your home directory should now appear in the transfer pane.
9. Try navigating to another collection known to you (previously known as endpoint) in the other pane and transferring some data. If you have Globus Connect Personal running locally, you should be able to transfer files to/from that.
1. Load the virtual environment where you have the Globus CLI installed:
(in this example, a Python virtual environment named ~/.globus-cli-venv
already exists. If it doesn’t create one with the command python3 -m venv ~/.globus-cli-venv
on your local machine). Activate this virtual environment
as follows:
source ~/.globus-cli-venv/bin/activate
2. It’s recommended to update to the latest version of the CLI by doing the following:
pip install -U globus-cli
3. Check that you have an active globus session and follow any instructions given, e.g.
globus login
globus session show
4. Use the “globus ls” command to list the collection using its ID, starting at the path of your home directory (/~/)
globus ls a2f53b7f-1b4e-4dce-9b7c-349ae760fee0:/~/
TIP: you can set the ID of the collection to be an environment variable like this, for convenience:
export JASMIN_GLOBUS=a2f53b7f-1b4e-4dce-9b7c-349ae760fee0
globus ls $JASMIN_GLOBUS:/~/
6. You will be taken through an equivalent set of steps to those needed for the web app. First off, you will be asked to copy/paste a URL into your browser and copy/paste back the resulting authentication code.
7. Once the authentication/consent process has been completed, you should see a listing of your home directory.
8. Use the globus transfer
command to copy data to/from another
collection (previously known as endpoint) to your home directory, within
the JASMIN Default Collection. (see globus transfer --help
for details)
Don’t forget that to actually transfer data to/from JASMIN (e.g. step 8, above), you’ll need another
collection somewhere else. If you’re transferring data from ARCHER2, you can use their
ARCHER2 filesystems collection (id: 3e90d018-0d05-461a-bbaf-aab605283d21
If not, unless your institution runs a Globus collection, you’ll need to install a small piece of software called Globus Connect Personal on a machine at that end that is able to read/write the data that you want to transfer. A good idea is to try this on your own desktop/laptop first.
Our help doc guides you through how to do this and some examples of how to use it. Versions available for Windows, Mac and Linux.